Watermist Fire Suppression

Watermist Fire Suppression

The AquaMist product range includes proven Water Mist solutions backed by over 100 years of expertise in fire protection, to support you in making the right product choice and offer our best protection for the risk to be managed.

The fine mist generated is designed to extinguish fires, or limit fire growth at an early stage, dependent on the type of hazard being protected. AquaMist provides effective cooling and fire control on solid, deep-seated fires such as furniture, paper and cables (Class A). On fires such as lubricants or fuels (Class B) or cooking oils (Class F) AquaMist provides complete extinguishment and prevention of re-ignition. In all cases, AquaMist cools the surrounding area, limits the spread of fire.

The AquaMist system benefits include a reduction of up to five times in the water required (when compared to standard sprinkler systems), while providing a superior firefighting capability on applicable Class A, B and F fires.

Our full range of products gives our customers the ability to make an informed decision.

Watermist Fire Suppression

The AquaMist product range from Tyco includes globally approved Water Mist solutions backed by over 100 years of expertise in fire protection. AquaMist offers a broad range of systems to offer the most suitable fire suppression solution for you to help protect people and property against a wide variety of fire risks.

AquaMist ULF
AquaMist ULF

Low pressure watermist option. Tyco's AquaMist ULF

AquaMist Fog
AquaMist Fog

AquaMist FOG systems reduce the consumption of water and pipe diameters

AquaMist Sonic
AquaMist Sonic

AquaMist SONIC twin-fluid technology is safe for people and the environment.

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