Over the past few years, we have seen a rise in the demand for lithium-ion batteries as an energy source and storage device for various types of electric equipment. This type of battery may be an attractive option, thanks to its weight and mobility, but they also pose an increased fire hazard.
Lithium batteries are compact, lightweight and hold a considerable charge for their size. Lithium batteries can be partially charged and discharged many times throughout their lifespan without a loss in capacity. These factors make them a great choice which is why they are found everywhere from mobile phones to power tools and electric cars.
Accidents are failures of lithium batteries are very rear however due to the nature and makeup of the lithium battery itself the results can be explosive. It is also vitally important to understand that many traditional methods of fire fighting do not work when fighting a lithium battery fire.
Why do lithium batteries catch fire?
The manufacturing of lithium batteries via well-known brands is now extremely safe. Lithium battery fires generally occur due to a fault or damage occurring to the battery itself. This fault or damage will lead to an internal short circuit which triggers thermal runaway resulting in the battery bursting into flames.
Fighting a lithium battery fire
Conventional fire-extinguishing agents face a number of challenges when combatting a Lithium-ion battery fire. Claims are often made regarding the effectiveness of certain agents in fighting a lithium-based fire with no evidence. Fire Safety Equipment can help you choose the right solution, including suppression systems like FirePro which have been shown through a range of independent KIWA testing to be effective in fighting lithium battery fires.